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The overall storyline will unfold from the perspective of a traveler. Mainly from the first person perspective, interspersed with the third person perspective to show the audience the movement of the character and the development stage of the story.

The story is based on the setting that everyone wears a brain sensor to support their daily life experience. One day a girl went out shopping and found out that she was almost out of battery, but she still decided to buy the things she needed. And all the way down to the shop she felt nervous because the life support system could be shot down. Just when she arrived at the store, she went back home and the system shot down so how, and she saw what the real world looks like. She was scared and confused, but she soon learned to live without her sensor. She realized that the real world was not as bad as she thought and that she could survive without it. She felt a sense of freedom and independence, something that she hadn't felt before.

What we do

This video shows the combination of past and future - cyberpunk cities in Hong Kong. Introduce my personal memories of Hong Kong and mix reality with New York City. The entire film will be presented in a virtual video. The video will capture the spirit of the city, its vibrant nightlife, and neon lights. It will also feature people, their culture, and their stories. The film will be an immersive visual experience that is both real and imaginary.

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